The Belly of the Great Fish

“Now the Lord had prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.” Jonah 1:17 (NKJV)


I began writing stories for children over 35 years ago! (Wow that tells my age!) It started as a teaching aid when I was an elementary school teacher in a BEH class. It was the perfect way to present a teaching point, but in an entertaining story instead of a lecture. The stories were not professionally written or polished, but I enjoyed the writing and the telling! And the class enjoyed them, too!


Then life happened, as it usually does! I had some health issues, then two children (two years apart!); I was busy! So writing was put on the shelf. I did take a writer’s class at a local college when both of my children were in elementary school. I wrote in the evenings and completed a children’s story in verse! I excitedly mailed it in to a couple of editors, but got rejected and gave up!


A year or so ago, after my husband and I retired, I pulled out all of my old writings and stories. And after talking with the Lord about it, was led to try writing again! I attended a local writer’s conference in North Carolina just to test the waters… It was a wonderful experience; I loved it! I feel as if I, like Jonah, am finally out of the fish’s belly and trying to go where God leads!


I invite you along as I re-begin my writing adventure. Let’s see where it will lead!? I thank God for you! And I thank you for joining me today!


  1. Peggy, you have a gift for making everyone around you feel special and loved–you embody what a Christian children’s author should be! I like your first blog entry and look forward to more of “Peggy Writes”


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