Be Refreshed with Jesus

Repent therefore, and turn back, that your sins may be blotted out, that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send the Christ appointed for you, Jesus. Acts 3:19-20 ESV

My favorite place to refresh with Jesus. Come join me!

School is out for the summer! Yay! No more homework or reports or sitting in class every day. No worries, or assignments, or too much to do. Whew! You need a break; you need to refresh!

Did you ever play or work outside on a really warm day and got all hot and tired? And when you came in, you got a big glass of cool water to drink? How did you feel? That is what refreshed is. Refresh means to make fresh again or to revive.

Our verse from Acts tells us how we can feel refreshed. Luke, who wrote Acts, tells us all that “times of refreshing” come from spending time with the Lord, with Jesus.

My favorite place to spend time with Jesus is in creation. Did you know that Jesus was with God at creation? He [Jesus] was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made. John 1:2-3 ESV

When you spend time in the natural world that God and Jesus created, you are spending time in the presence of Jesus. Come and spend some time refreshing with me at a waterfall.

Be Refreshed!

The cool water loudly rushes down,

Splashing and laughing, who can frown?

The dogs lay in small swirling pools,

Water droplets, sparkling like jewels.

The leaves sway because it’s  breezy,

Let’s sit in the chairs and take it easy.

Listen, the birds are chirping and singing,

From the bushes, that to the rock are clinging.

Jesus is here with us as we refresh and rest,

Revived and alive, happy and blessed.

Thank you for joining me to be refreshed with Jesus!

This week talk with your parents and find your own special place to spend time with Jesus and be refreshed.

Blessings and being refreshed with Jesus!


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