Be Like Thomas and Believe!

Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.” Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!” John 20:27-28 ESV

A rhododendren blooming, each bud becomes a flower! Our amazing Creator can take our doubts and give us peace.

Has anyone ever told you something that you found hard to believe? Let’s say your friend comes to school one day and tells you he saw a man who had to be 8 feet tall! Would you believe him, or would you doubt, be unsure or question his story? Maybe you would want to see the man for yourself.

In our verses for today, Jesus has been raised from the tomb. He first appeared to Mary Magdeline and the other women at the tomb. Jesus also appeared to 10 of His disciples. They were in a locked room afraid of what might happen to them. Jesus appeared in the room and said, “Peace be with you.” The disciples saw His scars and His side and were joyful He was with them.

But Thomas, one of Jesus’ disciples, was not in the room with the others when Jesus came to them. When the other disciples told Thomas they had seen Jesus, he had doubts. He said, “Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will never believe.” John 20:25b Thomas wanted to see if for himself. Because of this story, sometimes Thomas is known as “doubting Thomas.”

Eight days later when Thomas and the other disciples were together, Jesus came again and said, “Peace be with you.” Jesus wasn’t upset with Thomas because he doubted, He gently told him to put his finger in the nail prints and in His side – and believe. And Thomas not only believed, but Thomas was the first to call Jesus, “my God!”

Sometimes we might have doubts about God or Jesus, just like Thomas. Because we can’t always know how things will work out. We may have doubts when something bad happens or things don’t go the way we want, or a prayer isn’t answered the way we want or when we want. But like Thomas we can take our doubts to Jesus. We can talk about them and pray about them and leave our doubts with Jesus. And then we have to remember this promise, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good.” Romans 8:28a

God and Jesus work even the bad things in our lives for good. We know that we are loved and cared for and are God’s children. We, like Thomas, can believe that Jesus and God love and take care of us!

This week talk with your parents. Have they ever had doubts like Thomas? Have you? Are there other verses that can help you believe like Thomas? Find some together.

Blessings to believe like Thomas!

Other facts about Thomas. Although Thomas is best known for doubting, he was also brave. In John 11 the disciples are trying to talk Jesus out of going to Bethany when Lazarus died because they were worried Jesus might be killed by the religious leaders, but Thomas said, “Let us also go, that we may die with him.” John 11:16b


  1. Lol. Thomas demonstrates that ride or die mentality. A practical man. I think even when he didn’t believe the others who said they had seen Jesus, it was still a testament of practicality and his loyalty. That’s the kind of friend we all need. 🙏 Great posts Peggy.

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